Well, yet another awful rain filled week has gone by - it's been too miserable even to consider going out; any self-respecting wildlife would be well tucked up in bed! Much more of this and we wont have to worry about rain forests disappearing in South America - we'll be developing our own!! In the circumstances, I thought I would share some of the shots of ferns I have taken over time. I don't know much about ferns, mosses, liverworts etc, but I definitely want to get into them more. What I like about them is that you can normally find one in the most unlikely little nooks and crannies.
The first one here is called Wall-rue. It likes walls and limestone pavement and I took this one at one of my favourite sites in the Yorkshire Dales...
Winskill Stones. This lovely area was saved from
destruction as a result of a campaign by Gardener's World presenter, Geoff Hamilton (before he sadly passed away) and
Plantlife, the wild plant charity (check out the website via the link on the sidebar). At one time there was massive demand from gardeners for limestone to create rockeries and sites like
Winskill Stones were rapidly disappearing. Thankfully it is now a
Plantlife Reserve.

This next chap is called Maidenhair
Spleenwort, another one that likes walls or a rocky environment.

Next comes the lovely
Hartstongue - our only fern with evergreen leaves....apparently. It
seems to favour damp places - walls, woods or
hedge banks.

I think this next one is a Common
Polypody but I am not going to swear to it. I really need to get a good Fern book!!

Finally, I am pretty sure this one is called Hard Fern. The bottom shot shows nicely the overwintering clump of leaves, a darker grey-green colour. The light green being the new growth.

Hopefully, the rain will start to relent sooner rather than later and normal service can be resumed. My library of shots of plants and things is rapidly running out!
These are great! ...and just think, without all that rain you wouldn't have any :-)
Lovely fern photographs. It's been a very rainy summer for us too, I noticed a lot of mushrooms and taodstools in the woods the other day. Guess I'll have to take some pictures of them.
These ferns are very interesting and in their own way quite picturesque.
Hello Mosura, John and Roy.
I plan to get into Ferns a lot more but as I said I need to get a decent book! Watch this space!!
Best wishes, Adrian
Nice selection of moisture loving pland.
We've been having very wet weather too, across the pond here in Ontario. It's the polar opposite of last summer when we got hardly a drop. Heck, I'll take the rain over drought (as long as it doesn't flood).
Hello Yvonne
Nice to hear from you. I think I would also take rain over drought...particularly with our pathetic water companies. All we need is a couple of months of sun and they start bleating about water shortages and hosepipe bans! Perhaps if they spent more of their profits on repairs etc and less on filling their shareholders wallets things might be different!
Best wishes, Adrian
A wonderful post Adrian! Your ferns must be in heaven! Thank you for expanding our fern knowledge as well! I have a few ferns here...know some...not the rest...I guess I'll have to get up and do some research!
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