When Plantlife did a survey to find out what flower people wanted as their "County Flower" the Wild Daffodil was chosen for Gloucestershire. I always though (and think) this was a mistake - it should have been the Meadow Crane's-bill as it is so widespread throughout the County and easy to see as it often occurs on roadsides. Never mind, you can't win them all I suppose. Anyway, the following are shots of the Geraniums I have captured to date.
Herb Robert
Wood Crane's-bill
Shinning Crane's-bill - so-called due to its shiny leaves.
Meadow Crane's-bill....my favourite!
Long-stalked Crane's-bill - a tiny plant, very easy to miss.
Hedgerow Crane's-bill
French Crane's-bill - introduced from the French Pyrenees.
There are several more species of Crane's-bill as well as the Stork's-bills still to collect and I live in hope of doing so in the fullness of time. Perhaps you would be kind enough to say which is your favourite!
For those of you in the UK, if you want to find out what your County flower is then click on the link at the bottom of my sidebar to enter the Plantlife website. Enter the UK web pages (button at the bottom of the Home Page); click on "Discovering wild plants and fungi" and the link for the county flowers is there. Enjoy!